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    The SDC_BLS_CLIM_TS_V2 product contains Temperature and Salinity Climatologies for Black Sea including the seasonal and monthly fields for period 1955-2019 and 2 subperiods, and the annual and seasonal fields for 6 decades starting from 1955 to 2019. The climatic fields were computed from the integrated Black Sea dataset that combines data extracted from the 3 major sources: 1) SeaDataNet infrastructure, 2) World Ocean Database, and 3) Coriolis Ocean Dataset for Reanalysis. The computation was done with the DIVAnd (Data-Interpolating Variational Analysis in n dimensions), version 2.6.4.

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    SDC_MED_CLIM_TS_V2 product contains Temperature and Salinity climatological fields for the Mediterranean Sea computed from SeaDataNet infrastructure and CORA (Coriolis Ocean dataset for ReAnalysis) integrated dataset. The computation was done with the DIVAnd (Data-Interpolating Variational Analysis in n dimensions) version 2.4.0

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    Global Ocean-Gridded fields of temperature in the water colum. he product is based on the Coriolis Ocean database for ReAnalysis CORA (INSITU_GLO_TS_REP_OBSERVATIONS_013_001_b). Developed by OCEANSCOPE for CMEMS (INSITU_GLO_PHY_TS_OA_MY_013_052). Downstreamed by ETT for EMODnet Physics. -

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    Relative error of sea water temperature

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    Moving 10-years analysis of Temperature at Atlantic Sea. 10-years periods span from 1950-1959 until 2010-2019. Observational data span from 1950 to 2019. Depth levels : 65 levels from surface to -2000m. 5 m resolution between the surface and -100m, then 25m resolution down to -500m, 50m down to -2000m. Data Sources: observational data from SeaDataNet/CORA Data Network.

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    EMODnet Physics - TEAN_003 - Temperature anomalies calculated over baseline averages of 30 years. This product provides the difference of a yearly average temperature from the average of the baseline period. The product is based on the Coriolis Ocean database for ReAnalysis (CORA) v.5.2. (only surface data), developed by IFREMER for CMEMS.